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Feb 12, 2024

My Late Father's Story

I want to talk about my father for a minute. Although he isn't with us anymore, his legacy lives on through Focalpoin...
The Story (of Focalpoint) So Far

Feb 8, 2024

The Story (of Focalpoint) So Far

From the moment we could walk, my dad put golf clubs in our hands. While we played other sports, we always came back ...
How to Improve Your Mental Golf Game Today

May 15, 2023

How to Improve Your Mental Golf Game Today

As golfers, we understand that golf is a unique sport that tests our physical skills and mental fortitude. Developing...
The Top 10 Putter Innovations That Will Blow Your Mind!

May 9, 2023

The Top 10 Putter Innovations That Will Blow Your Mind!

Innovation pushes the boundaries of every industry and the golf industry is no exception. Check out the awesome innovations that the golf industry is coming up with!
Discover the Putting Hack That You Need to Learn

May 9, 2023

Discover the Putting Hack That You Need to Learn

Putting can be the downfall of any golfer. In this article, we show you a new way to approach putting that will see you making more putts than ever before.
The Evolution of the Golf Putter

May 3, 2023

The Evolution of the Golf Putter

The evolution of the golf putter has taken place over hundreds of years, but in the last 100 years, it has gone through the most significnat changes influenced by contemporary players of each era.
Why Do Golf Balls Have Dimples?

Apr 26, 2023

Why Do Golf Balls Have Dimples?

Golf balls have dimples because the dimples allow airflow around the ball to be tighter, which causes a reduction in the low-pressure zone behind the ball in flight. This low-pressure zone reduction decreases drag and wind resistance, resulting in golf balls that fly higher and further than smooth ones.
The Complete History of the Golf Ball

Apr 26, 2023

The Complete History of the Golf Ball

Throughout the 500 years of golf, golf balls have gone through an extreme transformation. The evolution of the golf ball is more important than any other advancement in the game.
13 Earliest Rules of Golf

Apr 18, 2023

13 Earliest Rules of Golf

The Honourable Company of Edinburgh Golfers drew up the original rules of golf for a tournament to be played in Edinburgh, Scotland. There were 13 original rules of golf, but you probably wouldn’t fully recognize them at first glance. 
7 Rules of Golf You HAVE to Know

Apr 12, 2023

7 Rules of Golf You HAVE to Know

Golf is one of those games where the letter of the law matters. You don’t want to go out on the course and have no idea what the rules are. In fact, without an understanding of some of the basic rules of golf, you will struggle to find common ground with a host of golfers.
The Complete Beginner's Guide to Putting

Apr 10, 2023

The Complete Beginner's Guide to Putting

The ability to putt consistently and confidently is key to lowering your score per round. This guide will help beginners both understand how to putt and how to put mechanics into motion on the green.
45 Facts For the Average Golfer

Apr 20, 2022

45 Facts For the Average Golfer

As golfers, we often get so caught up in perfecting our game that we don’t leave time to simply enjoy the game. Whil...

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